Friday, October 29, 2010

The Gift Giving Exchange


Friday, November 16th from 4pm - 9pm & Saturday, November 17th from 9am - 12:30pm

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church. 8677 Madison Avenue (next to Ordway Elementary)

Beat the holiday stress and budget busting buying. Restore the giving spirit to the holidays

In these tough economic times it can be a little daunting to figure out how we will be able to make the family budget stretch to include holiday giving. Yet nearly all of us have items around the house that the kids just never played with, so it still looks brand new. Or maybe you were given a gift that while lovely just doesn't match your personality so there it sits in the closet still in its shrink wrap. Wouldn't it be great if all your great things could be exchanged for equally great things that someone else has?

Thus the idea of a Gift Giving Exchange is born. The success of the exchange depends upon the volume of families involved. The more ages represented and lots of variety in gifts will allow everyone to go home with something for their family and make this holiday season just a little easier on the budget. It is also earth friendly as we are recycling already purchased items, not to mention all the packaging not going into a landfill. We hope by exchanging to relieve stress and allow more of us to focus on the joy of the season.

Here is how it will work:
Step 1: Find your used quality toys that look new and could pass for fresh from the store or new adult type gift in its original packaging. We want everyone to have the same quality of merchandise to pick from.
Step 2: Bring them to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, who has offered their gym in which to host the exchange, on Friday, November 16th between 4-9pm. Or you can drop them off earlier with arrangements.
Step 3: Price your items with volunteers. Prices should reflect the price you would pay at a garage sale or rummage sale.
Step 4: Receive your Giving Bucks for the items you leave for exchange. Your Giving Bucks will equal the price you set with volunteers.
Step 5: Return to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on Saturday, November 17
th between 9am-12:30pm to spend your Giving Bucks on items other families left to exchange.
Step 6: Go home happy! You helped someone else and hopefully found the perfect thing for your own family.

That's it in a nutshell. There are a few other logistics to cover.


Note 1: It is possible that you will not find an appropriate gift. We cannot guarantee that you will, as we have no control over who will participate or what they will bring. So please give your items in the spirit of charity with the thought that you may receive nothing in return. You will have the good feelings that the holiday season and charity can bring and any gift received is just an added bonus.

Note 2: Toys that look new work great, even if they are not in their original packaging. ADULT gifts need to be actually new in their original packaging. Think of things you bought but decided to not use; or an item you received that you would like to re-gift without anyone knowing. This way you get to recycle guilt free.

Note 3: All items you leave are considered donated and cannot be returned to you if they are not taken. We will disperse untaken items to local charities after the exchange after first offering them to participant for free at 12:30pm the day of the exchange.

Note 4: In the case that a gift you want to receive does not equal the amount of Giving Bucks you have to purchase that gift, you can make up the difference in US Dollars for that one gift. All actual monetary funds received in this way will be given to Helpline for use in their food bank.

Note 5: Only those with actual Giving Bucks, aka those that gave items or someone they chose to give their Giving Bucks too will be able to participate. The exchange is open to everyone in the community but if YOU DO NOT GIVE, YOU CANNOT RECEIVE.

Note 6: We will accept all quality new looking toys and items in their original packaging. If you wish to give but do not wish to participate in the receiving, your share of the Giving Bucks will be given to local churches and/or Helpline for them to distribute to needy families.

We hope we have covered all contingencies. We are looking for others who would like to help with the set up Friday and exchange Saturday. Please contact Brandi Hunt at
206-780-2239 with any questions or to offer help. Volunteers get to shop first. The success of this event truly depends on the community so please consider being a part of the exchange.